Sunday, October 29, 2006
Lost Boy
by Paul Hetherington
At soft pre-dawn, through the pin-drop silence,
his trousers dark with dew, he heaved himself
over a rail, set out across the paddocks.
The sun was still a guessing-place of light
against the luminescent, ragged hills
on a pale horizon. He knew the path.
Too much argument between his parents
and silent tension like a mesh of wire
had gripped his throat and tightened all his being--
he felt awkward and always unprepared
even though what happened and what hurt
was that same provoking, needless thing.
Now steeper paddocks, the man's-fist-sized thistles,
the lake that was a mirror of pink light
and speckled wild ducks, and wild rose.
He moved with purpose, distancing a life--
the dust motes in his room, the dull, squat hens
that fluffed and clucked at any offered food
and were never different, the brown sideboard
with a decanter of unpleasant sherry.
And clipped rose bushes, the coughing growl
of the ute at morning, warm-flanked cows.
These things he walked away from, with resolve
into the swallowing blue hills of morning.
Lebaran pertama di negeri Orang
Saya berusaha masak untuk persiapan halal bihalal (silaturahmi) lebaran yang pertama di negeri orang. Acara ini dihadiri oleh semua wong Indonesia di Graz...pak Syarif, keluarga Zaenal, bu Corinna, pak Aswandi, mas Yitno, Sendhi 'suroboyo', kang Dudy sbg Hausmeister, bang Jimmy dan tentu saja si bungsu Haryo. Ada ikan lombok ijo, udang telur, sop tahu, oseng tahu dan daging kare...tapi apa daya keasinan...hihi...terpaksa tuan rumah mas Dudy menanggung malu..maaf ya. Untungnya bu Corinna bawa Skutel Makaroni dan Kue, Mas Jimmy juga bawa cake, pak Aswandi bawa sambel goreng tahu dan tentu saja Samgorat dari keluarga Zaenal...nyam2...serta ada tambahan es krim, anggur dan saft dari tuan rumah...Mohon maaf Lahir Batin...semoga sukses selalu..amien.
Berkunjung ke Leoben
Sabtu, 28 Oktober kemarin, saya, mas Zaenal dan Mbak Titik mengunjungi rekan sejawat kami yang tinggal di Leoben. How beautiful city...surrounded lots of hill...terima kasih juga atas keramahtamahan mas Zaki, mbak Novi, Ilham, serta teman jauh dari Frankfurt..mas Widodo dan Mbak Arfah... Tentu saja kita sangat menikmati gule, teriyaki dan udangnya...Jangan kapok..saya insya Allah akan berkunjung lagi.
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