Dikutip dari Wisdom Word of Einstein the Buddha
Science now needs great meditators, otherwise this earth is doomed. Science now needs people who can use their minds, who are masters of their being, who can use science in a conscious way. Otherwise we are on the verge of committing universal suicide.
“Einstein had one of the most beautiful minds. Did he abuse it? Do you think the scientists who have created great technology and destroyed the whole ecology of the earth have used their minds or abused them? If one day this planet earth is going to die, it will be because of the great minds of the twentieth century -- because if in the whole history of humanity there have been a hundred scientists, ninety-nine happen to be alive in the twentieth century. In fact seventy-five percent of the great scientists of all the ages are alive now.
Pernahkah anda menyangka bahwa selama hidup ilmuwan satu menjadi penentang utama fasisme dan militerisme, lalu termasuk dalam komite menentang penggunaan bom atom walaupun dia termasuk founder "Manhattan Project". Saat meninggal, anak emas pengetahuan ini dijadikan milik semua golongan dari politikus, agamawan, scientist, dll. Apakah ini contoh mutakhir being wise after knowledgement?
Sampai tingkat tertentu, kita akan merasakan bahwa knowledge is never enough. Apa yg anda pikirkan seandainya bom atom, reaktor nuklir, mass destruction weapon ada di tangan orang yang salah?
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